
Yazar on Eki 9th, 2011

Antalya,Yüzölçümü: 20.815 km², Antalya Nüfus: 1.978.333 ,İl Trafik No: 07, sahip olduğu arkeolojik ve doğal güzellikler sayesinde “Türk Rivierası” adını almıştır. Deniz, güneş, tarih ve doğanın sihirli bir uyum içinde bütünleştiği Antalya, Akdeniz’in en güzel ve temiz kıyılarına sahiptir. 630 km. uzunluğundaki Antalya kıyıları boyunca, antik kentler, antik limanlar, anıt mezarlar, dantel gibi koylar, kumsallar, yemyeşil ormanlar ve akarsular yer alır.

Palmiyelerle sıralanmış bulvarları, uluslararası ödül sahibi marinası, geleneksel mimarisi ile şirin bir köşe oluşturan Kaleiçi ve modern mekanları ile Türkiye’nin en önemli Turizm Merkezi olan Antalya, Aspendos Opera ve Bale Festivali, Uluslararası Plaj Voleybolu, Triathlon, Golf Müsabakaları, Okçuluk, Tenis, Kayak yarışmaları vb. etkinliklere, 1995 yılında açılan Antalya Kültür Merkezi ile de plastik sanatlar, müzik, tiyatro, sergi gibi birçok kültürel ve sanatsal etkinliğe ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.

Antalya ilinin ilçeleri;

Akseki, Alanya, Elmalı, Finike, Gazipaşa, Gündoğmuş, İbradı, Kale, Kaş, Kemer, Korkuteli, Kumluca, Manavgat ve Serik’tir.

Akseki: Alanya’dan sonra Antalya ilinin en eski ilçesi olan Akseki Torosların yapısına uygun engebeli ve dağlık bir görünüme sahiptir.

Antalya ili ve çevresinde son yıllarda görülen turizm alanındaki gelişmelere paralel olarak, Akseki ilçesinde turizm faaliyetleri gelişmektedir. Avcıların ve turistlerin uğrak yeri olan Akseki, “KARDELEN ÇİÇEĞİ’ nin ana yurdudur. Kış aylarında Kardelen Çiçeğini görmek için yerli ve yabancı turistler ilçeyi ziyaret eder.Giden Gelmez Dağları, dağ keçisi koruma ve av sahası avcıların ücretli olarak devamlı avlanacağı yer olup, Sinan hoca ve Gümüşdamla köylerinde kurulan alabalık üretme tesisleri avcıların ve turistlerin uğrak yerleri arasındadır.

Göktepe Yaylası, Çimi Yaylası, Irmak Vadisi son aylarda keşfedilen 340 metre derinliğindeki Bucakalan Mağarası, ilçe merkezindeki Ulu Camii ve Medresesi görülmeye değer diğer eserlerdir.

Elmalı: Likya bölgesi içerisinde yer alan Elmalı’nın kesin kuruluş tarihi bilinmemektedir. Doğuda Semahöyük yakınlarında Karataş’ta, batıda Beyler Köyü yakınındaki Beyler köyünde yapılan kazılar bölgenin bronz çağından bu yana iskan edildiğini göstermektedir.

Höyükler: Şehre bağlı köylerde üç höyük bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki şehrin batısındaki Müğren Köyü’ndeki höyüktür. Arkeolojik yüzey araştırmaları burada çeşitli uygarlıklara ait izler olduğunu göstermektedir. Yine batıda Semahöyük Köyü’nde bulunan ikinci höyüğün üstünde Osmanlı ve Türk mezarlığı bulunduğu için bugüne kadar araştırma yapılmamıştır. Üçüncü ve en büyük höyük ise şehrin güneyinde, Elmalı – Kaş yolu üzerinde, Beyler Köyündeki Beyler Höyüğüdür. Bu höyükte yapılan kazılarda, bronz çağından bu yana devamlı bir yerleşimin izleri görülmektedir. Kazılarda çıkarılan arkeolojik buluntular Antalya Müzesi’nde sergilenmektedir.

Tümülüsler: Şehrin doğusunda, Elmalı’ya 6 km. uzaklıktaki Bayındır Köyü yakınlarındadır. Yan yana duran birkaç tümülüsten birinde yapılan kazılarda M.Ö. 7. yy.a ait buluntulara rastlanmıştır. Antalya Müzesi’nin özel bir bölümünde sergilenen bu buluntular bölgenin bu dönemdeki yaşamından kesitler vermektedir.

Anıt Mezarlar Bilinen iki anıt mezar vardır. Bunlardan ilki Karaburun diğeri ise Kızılbel’dedir. Antalya – Elmalı yolu üzerindeki Karaburun Kral mezarı odasının duvarları av ve savaş sahnelerinden oluşan fresklerle süslüdür. Kızılbel mezar anıtı ise şehrin batısında Elmalı – Yuvayol yolu üzerindedir. Kalker bloklardan oluşmuş bir odadan ibarettir.

Define: 1984 yılında Antalya – Elmalı yol çizgisinin hemen kuzeyinde, Kral Mezarı ile Gökpınar Köyü arasında bulunmuştur. 190 adet gümüş antik sikkeden oluşan bu define antika kaçakçıları tarafından Amerika’ya kaçırılmıştır. Halen özel bir kişinin malı olarak Boston Museum Fine Arts’da bulunmaktadır. Yeryüzünün en kıymetli antik sikkesi olarak nitelenen Atina Decadrachmeleri (14 adet, her biri 600.000$) bu büyük define yer almaktadır. Camiler: İlçede yer alan Selçuklu Camii, Kütük Camii, Sinan-ı Ümmi Camii, Ömer Paşa Camii ve Külliyesi kentin görülmeye değer eserleridir.

Korkuteli: Antalya’ya 67 km. uzaklıktadır. Korkuteli’nin 3 km batısında, bugün yalnız kapısı ayakta kalan Alaaddin Camii ve yine aynı yörede, 1319′da Hamidoğulları’ndan El Emin Sinaeddin tarafından yaptırılan ve aynı adla anılan Selçuklu Medresesi görülebilir.

Gündoğmuş: Antalya’ya 182 km. mesafedeki Gündoğmuş ilçesinde pek çok antik kent kalıntısı bulunmaktadır. Güzel Bağ Bucağı’nın kuzeyinde 7 km. mesafede ve halen kazı yapılmamış olan Ayasofya Şehri, Gündoğmuş şehir merkezinin güney-batısında ve şehre 7 km. mesafede Sumene mevkisinde, Asar Harabeleri, Senir Köyü’ nün doğusunda 2 km. mesafedeki Kese Mevkiindeki harabeler, Gündoğmuş Şehir merkezinin güney-batısında ve şehre 11 km. mesafedeki Gedfi Harabeleri önemli antik kent kalıntılarıdır.

İlçe merkezindeki Cem Paşa Camii, Gündoğmuş/Pembelik Köyü arasında ilçe merkezinin doğusundaki, 15 km. mesafedeki Sinek Dağı’nın tepesindeki harabeler, Alanya/Konya Kervanyolu, Gündoğmuş/ Antalya karayolu üzerinde Taşağır mevkisinde Kazayir Şehri Harabeleri diğer görülebilecek eserlerdir.

Gazipaşa: Antalya’ya 180 km. mesafedeki Gazipaşa, 10 km. uzunluğundaki kumsalı, orman kaplı alanları, turkuaz mavisi koyları, doğal güzellikleriyle şirin bir ilçedir. İskele, Koru ve Kahyalar plajlarının bulunduğu kumsallar, Caretta Caretta kaplumbağalarının önemli bir üreme merkezidir. Bugüne kadar bakir kalmış Gazipaşa, konaklama, dinlenme tesisleri, tarih ve doğa güzellikleri, yapımı süren havaalanı ve yat limanı ile gözde bir turizm merkezi olma yolunda ilerlemektedir.

Antalya Antik Kentleri

Antiocheia Adcragum: Gazipaşa ilçesinin doğusunda, 18 km. uzaklıktaki Güney Köy sınırları içerisindedir. Kentin adı Kommagene Kralı 4. Antiochus’dan gelmektedir. Kalesi, sütunlu cadde, agora, hamam, zafer takı, kilise, kentin nekropol alanı kalıntıları bulunmaktadır. Kentin nekropolünde bölgeye özgü beşik tonozlu, ön avlulu anıtsal mezarlar oldukça iyi korunmuştur.

Adanda-Lamos: Antik kent, Gazipaşa ilçesinin 15 km. kuzeydoğusundadır. Bugünkü Adanda köyünün 2 km. kuzeyinde, yüksek ve sarp bir dağın zirvesinde kurulmuştur. Kent surlarla çevrilidir. Kentin giriş kapısının güneyinde, büyük bir kule bulunmaktadır. Kentin diğer kalıntıları arasında doğal kayaya oyulmuş çeşme ve iki adet tapınağı sayabilir. Bu kentin nekropolünde de blok taşların oyulması ile yapılmış yekpare lahitler önemli kalıntılar arasındadır. Kalıntılar, dağlık Klikya bölgesinin kültürünü ve sanatını en iyi şekilde yansıtmaktadır.

Nephelis: Antik kente ulaşım, Gazipaşa-Anamur 12. km.’sinden sonra Muzkent Köyünün içinden geçerek güneye sapan yaklaşık 5 km. stabilize bir yol ile sağlanmaktadır. Kent, akropol ve doğu-batı boyunca uzanan kalıntılardan oluşmaktadır. Kentin ayakta kalabilmiş yapıları Orta Çağ Kalesi, Tapınak Odeon Sulama sistemi ve nekropol alanlarıdır.

Selinus: Gazipaşa Plajının bulunduğu Hacımusa Çayının güneybatısındaki yamaçlarında yer alan antik Selinus kenti, dağlık Klikya bölgesinin en önemli kentlerinden biridir. Kentin akropolü tepeye kurulmuştur. Tepe üzerindeki Orta Çağ Kalesinin sur duvarları ve kuleleri oldukça iyi korunmuştur. Akropol, içerisindeki kilise ve sarnıç günümüze kadar gelebilmiş önemli yapılardandır.Kentin diğer yapıları hamamlar, agora, İslami Yapı (Köşk), su kemerleri ve nekropol’dur. Alanya Müzesindeki ostoteklerin çoğunluğu Selinus Nekropolünden getirilmiş olup, burada ostotek atölyesinin varlığını sürdürmektedir.


Alakır Çayı ile Gavur deresinin dağlardan sürükleyip getirdiği alüvyonlu bir ovada yeralan Kumluca Finike ve Elmalı İlçeleri ile çevrelenmiştir. Kumluca sahil boyunca plajlar, konaklama tesisleri ve koylara sahiptir. Kumluca’nın 27 km. kuzeyinde yeralan Altınkaya yaylası, Alabalık üretme çiftliği, Sedir Ormanları ve bol suları olan güzel bir yayladır. Korydalla ve Olympos Antik kentleri Kumluca ilçesi sınırlarında yer almaktadır.


Alanya, geniş plajları, tarihi eserleri, modern otel ve motellerin sayısız balık lokantaları, kafe ve barlarıyla mükemmel bir tatil merkezidir. Gelenleri ilk karşılayan, Alanya Yarımadası’nın üzerinde bir taç gibi kurulmuş olan ve 13. yüzyıldan kalma şahane Selçuklu Kalesidir. Etkileyici kalenin yanı sıra eşi benzeri olmayan tersanesi ve anıtsal güzellikteki sekizgen Kızıl Kule görülmeye değerdir.

Limanı çevreleyen kafeler ve barlar akşam saatlerinde liman yolu boyunca el sanatları, deri, giysi, mücevherat, el çantaları ve yöreye özgü ilginçrenklere bezeli su kabaklarının satıldığı butikler yer alır. Eğer mağaraları keşfetmekten hoşlanıyorsanız Damlataş Mağarası’nı gezmeniz gerekir. Mağara yakınında Etnografya Müzesi yer almaktadır. Tekneyle üç deniz mağarasına ulaşabilirsiniz: fosforlu kayalarıyla Fosforlu Mağara, korsanların kadın esirleri tuttukları Kızlar Mağarası ve Aşıklar Mağarası.

Alanya’nın 15 km. doğusunda yer alan Dim Çağı Vadisi gölgelerin serinliğinde dinlenmek için ideal bir yerdir. Tüm sahillerinden denize girilebilen Alanya tam bir güneş, deniz, kum cennetidir.

Finike: Finike, Antalya iline bağlıdır. Portakalları ile ünlü Finike tarihle, doğa ve denizin birleştiği bir turizm beldesidir. Portakalları ile tanınan kent, Limyra kenti kalıntıları ve Arykanda antik kenti kalıntıları ile ilgi görmektedir.


Likya’nin önemli kentlerinden olan Kaş, ilçeyi çevreleyen Antik Döneme ait kentler ve tarihsel degerlerle doyumsuz kültür seyahatleri; Akdeniz’in derinlerde yarattığı heyecanlari doruklarda hissettiren sualtı dalışları; nehirlerde yapılan macera dolu ‘kano turları’, ekolojik uyumun keşfedildiği ‘doğa yürüyüşleri’; derin ve karanlık mağaralara teknik donanımlı mağara dalışları; yüksek dağlardan turkuaz rengli suların manzarasına süzülen ‘yamaç paraşütü’; Akdeniz’de değerli taşları andıran adalar ile çevreye yapılacak ‘Mavi Yolculuk ve tekne turları; damak tadınıza uygun deniz ürünleri ve dağlarda yetişen kokulu otlarla tatlandırılan yöresel yemeklerden oluşan mönüsü; yüzlerce yılın mirası, el sanatlarının çeşit ve güzelliği; Kaş’ın bağlı olduğu Antalya ve ilçelerine ait turizm merkezleri ile tabiat, tarih ve kültür zenginliğini, alternatif turizm imkanları ve çevresinde yer alan turizm merkezlerinden oluşan renkli yelpazesi” ile düşsel bir mekandır.


Antalya İline bağlı olan Manavgat tarih ve doğanın içiçe girdiği her türlü turizm aktivitesinin yapılabildiği bir turizm merkezidir.

Serik: Antalya’nın ilçesi olan Serik, önemli Pamfilya kenti olan Aspendos’u barındırmaktadır. Günümüze kadar bozulmadan ulaşan, mükemmel akustiğe sahip Aspendos Tiyatosu, bugün önemli sanat etkinliklerine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır Kale (Demre):Antalya, iline bağlı olan Kale Noel Baba’ nın yaşadığı yer olarak önemli bir inanç turizmi beldesidir.







information about Antalya

Antalya was founded by Attalos the 2nd , a King of Pergamum in 159 B.C., who ordered his men to find him a paradise, and the city was also named Attaleia after him.

This city is a cross-road of ancient Pamphilia, Psidia and Lycia and was established in the most fertile geography of Anatolia. Antalya has been the centre of culture, art, architecture and mythology throughout it?s history. With it?s nature made up of dark blue seas, spectacular Taurus mountains, fervent waterfalls, boulevards lined with palm trees, award winning marina and world known holliday villages is what makes Antalya the capital of Tourism.

Every year millions of tourists from all over the world visiting  Antalya for it?s beauty  also benefit from the Antalya Airport with it?s modern building , latest technology  and service provided.

Antalya, with it?s faultless beautiful beaches is andther main attraction by the millions of tourists that visit every year.

The clean and beautiful beaches of Antalya, where natures colours blue and green unite, is what makes the areas beaches blue flag.

Besides all these natural beauties, Belek, with it?s International standard Golf courses is well on the way in becoming Europe?s biggest golf centre.

Another reason which has made Antalya the centre of attention in world tourism is it?s climate, high quality standards in hotels and the fast increase in football tourism.

The football fields in the Belek, Kundu, Manavgat and Kemer regions host over a 1000 national and international football teams who come here for camp.

Antalya is also host to congresses and conferences held by many famous companies in different fields from all over the world.

In addition Anfaş is one of the known exhibition centers both Turkey and Europe with succcesfully organized national and internatonal activities.

With it?s traditional architecture the picturesque old city of kaleiçi, with it?s narrow winding streets and wooden houses abut the ancient city walls.

The Hıdırlık Tower constucted in the 2nd century AD, the Kesik Minaret Mosque and the Hadrians Gate which was built in the honour of Emperor Hadrian 130 AD is still today with all it?s beauty a main attraction.

Tha Antalya Archeology Museum, with artifacts from the Paleolithic to the Ottoman period displays the areas rich history.

One of the most important ancient sites of the Serik county and one that takes it?s place on the top list in the Archelogical world is Aspendos.

The 2000 year old Aspendos theatre with it?s magnificent acoustics, natural beauty  and art which has no barriers in language, religion or race, opens it?s arms to visitors from all over the world at the Aspendos İnternational Opera and Ballet festival held every year.

The first steps in the organization of the Antalya Golden Orange Festival  were taken in the mid 1950?s.

The Golden Orange Film Festival, held every year, which gives great importance to art and artists with the addition of the Eurasia Film Festival has proven it?s quality. The festival also unites the audience with famous celebrities both from Turkey and abroad.

The church, the synagogue and the mosque  are found together in the same garden is called the Garden of Religions and is one of the most interesting parts of Belek. This garden that allows the members of three big religions of the world to pray together at the same place and time has an important message to the world in matters of universal peace and ethics.

In the Garden of Religions that underlines  all human beings in the world are equal and that there is freedom of belief, which united numerous people with different beliefs from various countries around the world in Anatolia, is one of the centers of civilizations.

Antalya?s envious historical ruins, together with it?s amazing  natural surroundings reminds you of an  open air museum.

The Upper Düden waterfalls with it?s spectacular natural beauty is 14km north of Antalya and attracts people from every corner of the world.

The Lower Düden Waterfall cascades to the sea from a height of 40 metres. Kurşunlu Waterfalls, Lara Beach and Konyaaltı Beach are also among other noteworthy attractions of Antalya.

Olympos, Bey Mountains National Park and Topcam Beach present impeccable views before your eyes. For those who wish to walk around the natural seauties there are also camping areas on the north end of the park.  A bird?s eye view spread out in front of you can be admired from Tünektepe.

Antalya is a city that lives 4 seasons at the same time….

In the morning you can skiing on the white snow and  swim in the beautiful Mediterranean 50 minutes later in the afternoon .

Saklıkent, 50 km from Antalya is an ideal and easily reached winter sports centre situated on the northern slopes of the mountains.

The Karain cave in Antalya, dating back to the Paleolithic age is the site of the oldest settlement in Turkey. This historical cave has a single entrance that opens to three interconnecting chambers. Some of the findings  can be seen at the 12px museum at the entrance of the site, majority of the artifacts  are displayed at the Antalya Museum.

Kemer that has been carefully designed  accordingly to its nature and history, is the ideal holiday region. Kemer?s fully equiped marina provides the highest standard service for yachters  discovering the bays and beaches .

One of the most important laps of the World Rally Championships was held in Kemer.

The Rally of Turkey, which was broadcasted throughout the world has been a main attraction by motor sports enthusiasts.

The holiday villages surrounded by forests have been planned accordingly respecting nature and it?s environ. The three harbours of ancient Phaselis, situated 15km south of Kemer at the foot of Mt Tahtalı was once a major commercial centre.

The ruins of the aquaducts, agoras, public baths, theatre, Hadrianus Gate and acropolis display the importance of  the city in history. The view from the southern harbour of Tahtalı Mountain and it?s environs is spectacular. Phaselis with it?s quiete bays close to wind, creates the perfect atmosphere for a rest.

Tha Olympos Valley shaded by oleander and laurel busshes can be reached both by sea and land.

The temple gate, theatre, public baths and agora from ancient times have survived until our day and the city walls and tower are from the middle ages.

Yanartaş is situated at a height of 300 metres at the cliffs of Cıralı beach., north of  Olympos.

According to mythology, it is here were Bellerophon the Lycian Hero, with his winged horse Pegasus fought and killed Kymera the fire-breathing monster .

At the west of Olympos, surrounded by citrus trees and gardens is Finike Bay. Finike with it?s sandy beaches to the east is surrounded by fovky coces in the west. The city walls, Lycian tombs and Roman theatre are other monuments worth a visit.

Facing one of the most beautiful valleys of Anatolia, Arikanda, has ruins of an agora, theatre, stadium, water system, public baths and tombs scattered in the area.

Myra, now called Demre is 25kms west of Finike and has a very well preserved roman theatre dating from the 4th century BC and also rock tombs overlooking the theatre.

Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was a bishop in the Mediterranean in the 4th BC. Santa Claus is the most beloved symbol around the world of the 21st century.

Myra?s ancient harbour, Andriake situated at the west of Demre has a nice sandy beach for swimming and sunbathing.

Throughout the northern coast of Kekova, you will notice the summer houses from the 4th century BC  belonging to the city Apollonia, which at times underwater is like a sunken city.

Kaleköy Castle is one of the best places for a bird?s eye view of the countless inlets, islands and yachts sailing in the clear blue sea.

When travelling west from Kekova, you reach Kaş county which is surrounded by mountains on three sides.

In Antiphellos, which is the ancient name of Kaş, there are only the Lycian rock tombs, monumental tombs and theatre to be seen.

Paragliding an increasingly popular sport inthe world in recent years, gives you the opportunity to enjoy the indescribable naturel beauties of Kaş from the sky. This sport is practiced in Turtey especially by professional paragliders in the Antlya region.

Perge was  an important city of ancient Pamphillia and most of the archeological findings belong to the Roman İmperial period.

The statues from Perge, displayed at the Antalya museum indicate the advanced level atelier in sculpture.

The Perge statues displayed at the Antalya Museum has becdme one of the richest roman period statue collection in the world.

Another very known ancient region in Antalya is Side. Today, being a beautiful coastal village with it?s ruins from the ancient pediods, several shopping centres, and modern accomodation facilities is just to name a few why tourists visit this area.

Side?s ancient theatre that was built on columned archs is the largest among other theatres in the region. Other monuments of interest are the agora, Apollen Temple, fountains and necropolis.

The largest of the Roman baths now a museum has one of the richest archeological collection in Turkey.

One of the most interesting and well known caves in Turkey, with it?s lakes, travertines, rock formations and streams making the region even more exciting is Altınbeşik Cave National park.

Alanya, with it?s wide beaches, tourism facilieties and historical monuments is an important holiday centre.

Alanya welcomes you with it?s magnificant Seljuk Castle from the 13th century that stands like a crown over the peninsula. The very well preserved castle has double walls  and is surrounded by 150 towers.

In addition to the impressive castle, a unique shipyard and octagonal Kızıl Kule (Red Tower) with it?s monumental charm are other interesting places to visit.

Alanya with it?s modern hotels and motels as well as countless fish restaurants, cafes and bars is an excellent holiday centre. The harbour is surrounded by cafes, bars and boutiques that sell handcrafts, leather, clothing and beautifully colured seashells.

Antalya ?s historical texture going back centuries, natural beauties and Mediterranean magic is strongly expanding with it?s  tourism options in becoming the pearl of the mediterranean.

This city is a cross-road of ancient Pamphilia, Psidia and Lycia and was established in the most fertile geography of Anatolia. Antalya has been the centre of culture, art, architecture and mythology throughout its history. With it?s nature made up of dark blue seas, spectacular Taurus mountains, fervent waterfalls, boulevards lined with palm trees, award winning marina and world known holiday villages is what makes Antalya the capital of Tourism. Every year millions of tourists from all over the world visiting Antalya for its beauty also benefit from the Antalya Airport with its modern building, latest technology and service provided. Antalya, with its faultless beautiful beaches is and their main attraction by the millions of tourists that visit every year. The clean and beautiful beaches of Antalya, where natures colours blue and green unite, is what makes the areas beaches blue flag. Besides all these natural beauties, Belek, with its International standard Golf courses is well on the way in becoming Europe?s biggest golf centre. Another reason which has made Antalya the centre of attention in world tourism is its climate, high quality standards in hotels and the fast increase in football tourism. The football fields in the Belek, Kundu, Manavgat and Kemer regions host over a 1000 national and international football teams who come here for camp. Antalya is also host to congresses and conferences held by many famous companies in different fields from all over the world. In addition Anfaş is one of the known exhibition centers both Turkey and Europe with successfully organized national and international activities. With its traditional architecture the picturesque old city of Kaleiçi, with its narrow winding streets and wooden houses abut the ancient city walls.


The Hıdırlık Tower constructed in the 2nd century A.D., the Kesik Minaret Mosque and the Hadrians Gate which was built in the honor of Emperor Hadrian 130 A.D. is still today with all it?s beauty a main attraction. Tha Antalya Archeology Museum, with artifacts from the Paleolithic to the Ottoman period displays the areas rich history.

One of the most important ancient sites of the Serik County and one that takes its place on the top list in the Archeological world is Aspendos. The 2000 year old Aspendos theatre with its magnificent acoustics, natural beauty and art which has no barriers in language, religion or race, opens its arms to visitors from all over the world at the Aspendos International Opera and Ballet festival held every year.

Antalya?s envious historical ruins, together with its amazing natural surroundings remind you of an open air museum. The Upper Düden Waterfall with its spectacular natural beauty is 14 km north of Antalya and attracts people from every corner of the world. The Lower Düden Waterfall cascades to the sea from a height of 40 metres. Kurşunlu Waterfalls, Lara Beach and Konyaaltı Beach are also among other noteworthy attractions of Antalya. Olympos, Bey Mountains National Park and Topcam Beach present impeccable views before your eyes. For those who wish to walk around the natural seauties there are also camping areas on the north end of the park.  A bird?s eye view spread out in front of you can be admired from Tünektepe. Antalya is a city that lives 4 seasons at the same time. In the morning you can skiing on the white snow and swim in the beautiful Mediterranean 50 minutes later in the afternoon .Saklıkent, 50 km from Antalya is an ideal and easily reached winter sports centre situated on the northern slopes of the mountains. The Karain cave in Antalya, dating back to the Paleolithic age is the site of the oldest settlement in Turkey. This historical cave has a single entrance that opens to three interconnecting chambers. Some of the findings can be seen at the 12px museum at the entrance of the site, majority of the artifacts are displayed at the Antalya Museum.

Kemer that has been carefully designed accordingly to its nature and history is the ideal holiday region. Kemer?s fully equipped marina provides the highest standard service for yachters discovering the bays and beaches .One of the most important laps of the World Rally Championships was held in Kemer. The Rally of Turkey, which was broadcasted throughout the world has been a main attraction by motor sports enthusiasts. The holiday villages surrounded by forests have been planned accordingly respecting nature and it?s environ. The three harbors of ancient Phaselis, situated 15 km south of Kemer at the foot of Mountain Tahtalı was once a major commercial centre. The ruins of the aqueducts, agoras, public baths, theatre, Hadrianus Gate and acropolis display the importance of the city in history. The view from the southern harbor of Tahtalı Mountain and its environs is spectacular. Phaselis with its quite bays close to wind creates the perfect atmosphere for a rest. Tha Olympos Valley shaded by oleander and laurel bushes can be reached both by sea and land. The temple gate, theatre, public baths and agora from ancient times have survived until our day and the city walls and tower are from the middle ages. Yanartaş is situated at a height of 300 metres at the cliffs of Cıralı beach, North of Olympos. According to mythology, it is here was Bellerophon the Lycian Hero, with his winged horse Pegasus fought and killed Kymera the fire-breathing monster .At the west of Olympos, surrounded by citrus trees and gardens is Finike Bay. Finike with its sandy beaches to the east is surrounded by fovky coces in the west. The city walls, Lycian tombs and Roman theatre are other monuments worth a visit. Facing one of the most beautiful valleys of Anatolia, Arikanda, has ruins of an agora, theatre, stadium, water system, public baths and tombs scattered in the area.


Myra, now called Demre is 25 km west of Finike and has a very well preserved roman theatre dating from the 4th century B.C. and also rock tombs overlooking the theatre. Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was a bishop in the Mediterranean in the 4th B.C. Santa Claus is the most beloved symbol around the world of the 21st century. Myra?s ancient harbor, Andriake situated at the west of Demre has a nice sandy beach for swimming and sunbathing. Throughout the northern coast of Kekova, you will notice the summer houses from the 4th century B.C. belonging to the city Apollonia, which at times underwater is like a sunken city. Kaleköy Castle is one of the best places for a bird?s eye view of the countless inlets, islands and yachts sailing in the clear blue sea. When traveling west from Kekova, you reach Kaş County which is surrounded by mountains on three sides. In Antiphellos, which is the ancient name of Kaş, there are only the Lycian rock tombs, monumental tombs and theatre to be seen. Paragliding an increasingly popular sport in the world in recent years gives you the opportunity to enjoy the indescribable natural beauties of Kaş from the sky. This sport is practiced in Turkey especially by professional paragliders in the Antalya region.
Perge was an important city of ancient Pamphillia and most of the archeological findings belong to the Roman Imperial period. The statues from Perge, displayed at the Antalya museum indicate the advanced level atelier in sculpture. The Perge statues displayed at the Antalya Museum has become one of the richest Roman period statue collections in the world. Another much known ancient region in Antalya is Side. Today, being a beautiful coastal village with it?s ruins from the ancient periods, several shopping centers, and modern accommodation facilities is just to name a few why tourists visit this area. Side?s ancient theatre that was built on columned arches is the largest among other theatres in the region. Other monuments of interest are the agora, Apollon Temple, fountains and necropolis. The largest of the Roman baths now a museum has one of the richest archeological collections in Turkey. One of the most interesting and well known caves in Turkey, with its lakes, travertines, rock formations and streams making the region even more exciting is Altınbeşik Cave National park. Alanya, with its wide beaches, tourism facilities and historical monuments is an important holiday centre. Alanya welcomes you with its magnificent Seljuk Castle from the 13th century that stands like a crown over the peninsula. The very well preserved castle has double walls and is surrounded by 150 towers. In addition to the impressive castle, a unique shipyard and octagonal Kızıl Kule (Red Tower) with its monumental charm are other interesting places to visit. Alanya with its modern hotels and motels as well as countless fish restaurants, cafes and bars is an excellent holiday centre. The harbor is surrounded by cafes, bars and boutiques that sell handcrafts, leather, clothing and beautifully colored seashells. Antalya?s historical texture going back centuries, natural beauties and Mediterranean magic is strongly expanding with its tourism options in becoming the pearl of the Mediterranean.




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